Wednesday, October 26, 2011

How to Cloth a Newborn Baby

!±8± How to Cloth a Newborn Baby

A newborn brings with itself not just joy for the parent, but also a responsibility to be cared for. One such responsibility the parent has is to cloth the newborn baby. Ideally you should shop for clothes for your newborn baby while the bay is on his or her way. That way, you are prepared with t clothes when the baby arrives at home. In this article we talk about the steps you should take to buy, and then to clothe your baby.

Buying Baby Clothes

The foremost factor in buying baby clothes is comfort. The clothes should be comfortable for the baby. Babies grow very fast, which means that it is a good idea to get clothes a size or two larger. It also helps that larger clothes are more comfortable than just the right fitting ones. The fabric of the cloth should be soft -- babies' skin is especially tender, and you do not want to get it scratched or otherwise harmed by rough hewn clothing. Online stores are some of the best options of buying baby clothing. Many of these stores have free shipping. Apart from checking on whether they have free shipping, you should also check their return policy.

How to Dress a Newborn Baby

Having discussed the topic of how and where to buy baby clothes, lets now discuss how to actually clothe a baby with these clothes. Babies can be truculent beings. This is especially true if their head or face is covered with something. So whenever you put on a cloth on your baby, make sure that it does not cover the head for long, or cover it at all. The same principle applies to buttons, specially complicated ones. They take time to do so rather than test the baby's patience as you do their buttons, you could do it much faster with using a snap. As for the actual process of dressing, putting on the diapers is usually the first step for that. Usually the diapers are changed after lying the baby down on a comfortable surface.

Changing Diapers

Diapering your newborn is going to be a full time job for you for the next few months. So it behooves us to mention here how to diaper a baby. Diapers are of two kind: disposable diapers and cloth diapers. Disposable diapers are the ones that are made by companies like Huggies. They usually have adhesive or Velcro tapes that help to help fasten the diaper securely. The diaper packaging will have detailed instructions on how they are to be worn by the baby. Since those instructions will usually be with pictures and everything, and specific to the brand you buy, we can hardly improve upon them here. On the other hand, cloth diapers do not come with instructions.

Using a cloth diaper is not complicated either. How you actually use them depends on their construction. Cloth diapers too can have Velcro hooks attacked too to them, but many have diaper pins that are used to keep it fastened.

Steps to Clothe Your Newborn Baby After Diapering

After you have changed their diapers, the next step is to put on clothes. If it is a bodysuit that you have chosen for the baby, you should keep the suit flat on the surface by the side, and then lift and place the baby on the suit. Then wrap the one-piece and snap or zip them from ankle to neck, or as applicable.

For a two-piece outfit, you need to pt the top on first. As discussed, choose tops that do not cover the head and face of your baby for long. For a shirt, you can lay the baby on top of it too, and put one arm at a time, and snap it shut. After that you can put on the bottoms on the baby. As with adults, you do that one leg at a time, except here you have to bunch up the pants leg, and pull it over the baby's leg. Then do the same with the other leg. Gently lift the baby and slide the pant over their diapers.

After putting the top and bottom, you can put on any more layers, as required by season or weather. If you want, you can put on hats and crib shoes on the baby for extra comfort, and are ready to go!

How to Cloth a Newborn Baby

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Monday, October 17, 2011

How to Save Money on Diapers - Compare Prices of Diapers

!±8± How to Save Money on Diapers - Compare Prices of Diapers

Diapers alone for the first year can cost 00 or more.

It is tempting to buy a small package of diapers because it seems cheaper at first.

Newborns grow very fast, however, and if you buy too many 1s or 2s you may be left with diapers you can't use. You may find that you can use the store brand diapers as they get older but I have always tried them and gone back to name brand.

On average a Jumbo pack of diapers cost .00 for about 40 diapers. This is average for Pampers, Huggies, and LUVS. You are paying approximately .26 per diaper this way. This is the average cost for 40 diapers Size 3.

For size 5 you will get about 30 diapers for .37 each for Pampers and Huggies at .00 for a Jumbo pack.

LUVS size 5 Jumbo pack of 30 diapers is .28 (each diaper) at .49 per pack.

For Extra Large Packages, LUVS are cheaper running about a box for sizes 3,4, and 5.

LUVS Extra Large Boxes run just a few cents cheaper than Pampers about .18 - .24 cents each.

Pampers Extra Large Boxes are about a box about .21 - .28 cents each.

LUVS and Pampers give you about 30-40 more diapers than Huggies Extra Large box at about .23 - .29 each.

So how can you beat these prices?

There are several ways:

Save your coupons!

If you haven't been saving your coupons you can buy them at a very low cost.

Another way to save is to comparison shop online. You can sign up to receive money back for your purchases and use discount codes at 1800diapers, etc.

Sign up at websites to receive coupons in the mail.

CVS will even let you use regular diaper coupons for pull-ups and pull-ups coupons for diapers and Goodnights, plus you can receive extra care bucks at at CVS.

Walmart usually has the best prices and they will beat competitor ads.

Want to know more?

How to Save Money on Diapers - Compare Prices of Diapers

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Saturday, October 15, 2011


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Thursday, October 13, 2011

How I Scored Free Diapers for Life

!±8± How I Scored Free Diapers for Life

I'm a stay at home mom, successfully living off just one income, my husband's. My children are 6 & 8 years old now, but it wasn't too long ago that they were in diapers.

And boy oh boy was that expensive! Until I hit the diaper mega-load and came across enough free diapers to keep their bottom's dry for life, with several hundred extra to spare.

How? It's all about using coupons to your advantage. Forget clipping a 25 cent coupons for a brand of shampoo you don't even like, I'm talking about walking out of a store with two shopping carts full of goods they paid you to take.

I've gotten tens of thousands of dollars worth of free product over the last several years, but my all time favorite haul was the Huggies Pull Ups. I ended up with thousands of diapers, and stores actually paid me to take them.

Here's how it happened. A few years ago, when both my kids were still in diapers, Huggies came out with a trial package of their new design of Huggies Pull Ups. There were three diapers in each of these packages, and they cost .97 at Walmart, Walgreens and Toys-R-Us.

In addition to the three diapers, Huggies also had a coupon in the package. The coupon was for .50 ANY package of Huggies Pull-Up Diapers. Each time I bought a pack of diapers, I'd get another coupon.

Now, this is significant. Most Huggies coupons would specify right on the coupon that the savings was only off Jumbo size or larger packages, but these coupons were different. They specifically said "ANY" package of Huggies, meaning the coupons were good for the trial sized packages.

Calculate this: You have a coupon for .50 for a product that costs .97. That means for every package of diapers I bought, not only would Huggies reimburse the store for my .97 purchase, they would give them an extra Body.53 cents.

What does that mean? That means I needed to spend another Body.53 in the store for each package of diapers I bought. Effectively paying me to take the diapers.

I spent months combing all the Walmarts, Walgreens and Toys-R-Us stores all over the state, looking for the trial packages of Huggies. When I found them, I would explain how to do the deal to other customers and store employees, even offering to give them some of my coupons. But no one wanted them.

So I would take most of the available diapers, leaving a few in case someone else wanted some. I spent the extra money on all kinds of things: food at Walmart, more baby products at Walgreens, toys for gifts at Toys-R-Us.

Since I bought 15-20 packages of diapers at a time, each time I had -10 to spend. In the end, it amounted to a few hundred dollars.

It was very time consuming, but very fun. I saved so much money, and was able to diaper both children through potty training for free. All by clipping a few coupons.

How I Scored Free Diapers for Life

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